Create payments in Creatio

Payments in business process 

Use the paymaze Payment (TiInvoice) object to create a new payment record using the Creatio business process.


Data type


Amount (TiAmount column)*

Mandatory, Integer number

Specify the amount of the payment.

Currency (TiCurrency column)*

Mandatory, Currency lookup value.

Payment currency.

Default Value: If no value is provided, the system will use the default currency specified in the Base Currency system setting.

Contact (TiContact column)*

Mandatory, Contact record reference. 

Indicate the payee by selecting a record from the Contact section.

Billing Account (TiOurAccount)*

Mandatory, Account record reference.

Choose the account where the payment will be recorded. In most cases, it is Our Company. 

Default value: current user’s Account.

Payment Source (TiPaymentType column)*

Mandatory, Payment source lookup value.

Card - trigger online payment depends on the Payment Method value

Cach - records cash transactions in Creatio and doesn’t trigger online payment. 

Bank - records cash transactions in Creatio and doesn’t trigger online payment.  payments 

Payment Method (TiPaymentCard column)

Optional, Payment method (PayMaze) lookup value.

Only for Payment Source=Card

Use this parameter to enable automatic charges from a stored payment method.

A payment link to the checkout form will be generated if Payment Source=Card and this field stays empty.

Use Cases

Use Case 1. Pay with the Checkout Form

In case you want to share with the customer the payment link to the checkout form use this method:

  1. Create payment (TiInvoice record) and fill in all mandatory fields. 
  2. Choose Payment Source = Card
  3. Leave Payment Method empty

After processing the payment the Payment Link field will contain a link to the Payment GW checkout form. You can use this link for further communication with Customers in the business process or annually.  

Use Case 2. Charge stored payment method

For this option, you should previously store the Customer (Contact) payment card. You can find stored payment cards on the Contact page

In case you want to share with the customer the payment link to the checkout form use this method:

  1. Create payment (TiInvoice object) and fill in all mandatory fields. 
  2. Choose Payment Source = Card
  3. Specify the required payment cards in the Payment Method filed

Customers will be charged automatically.

Use Case 3. Record cash payment 

If you need to record the Customer’s cash payment do the following:

  1. Create payment (TiInvoice object) and fill in all mandatory fields. 
  2. Choose Payment Source = Cash
  3. Leave Payment Method empty

After saving the payment there will be no communication with a Payment GW. This payment will be stored in Creatio.